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Simplifying Workflow Management with the XWorkflows Library Part 2

Posted on Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Part 2: Advanced Features and Practical Examples

Welcome to Part 2 of our article on simplifying workflow management with the XWorkflows library. In this section, we will explore more advanced features and delve into practical examples to demonstrate the versatility and power of the library.

Error Handling

As any software system grows, handling errors becomes crucial. In the XWorkflows library, error handling is well-integrated to ensure smooth workflow execution even in the face of unexpected situations. The library provides mechanisms to handle invalid state transitions and exceptions during action execution.

    // Execute an action within a workflow
    var actionRequest = new CustomActionRequest { /* Request data */ };
    var (result, response) = await workflow.ExecuteAction(entity, actionRequest);
catch (WorkflowException ex)
    // Handle the exception
    Console.WriteLine($"Workflow Error: {ex.Message}");

Managing Multiple Workflows

In real-world applications, managing workflows for different entities is common. The XWorkflows library excels in this area, allowing you to define and manage separate workflows with their own states and actions.

var orderWorkflow = new OrderWorkflow(actionsForOrder);
var taskWorkflow = new TaskWorkflow(actionsForTask);

// Execute actions within respective workflows
await orderWorkflow.ExecuteAction(orderEntity, submitOrderRequest);
await taskWorkflow.ExecuteAction(taskEntity, updateStatusRequest);

Customizing Action and Event Execution

The flexibility of the XWorkflows library extends to customizing the execution of actions and events. You can override methods within action and event classes to inject custom logic before and after execution.

public class CustomAction : WorkflowAction<MyWorkflow, MyEvent, MyState, MyEntity, State, CustomRequest, CustomRequest, bool>
    protected CustomAction(MyState state, MyEvent e) : base(state, e)

    public override async Task<(WorkflowActionResult<bool>, CustomRequest)> Execute(MyEntity data, CustomRequest p, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Custom pre-execution logic
        Log("Executing CustomAction...");

        var result = await base.Execute(data, p, cancellationToken);

        // Custom post-execution logic
        Log("CustomAction executed successfully!");

        return result;

Practical Examples

In this part of the article, we'll provide practical examples showcasing the XWorkflows library in action:

Order Processing Workflow: We'll demonstrate how to implement a complete order processing workflow using XWorkflows. This example will cover the submission, cancellation, and delivery of orders, each with their respective actions and events.

Task Management Workflow: We'll dive into creating a workflow for managing tasks. This example will guide you through the definition of states, actions, and events to handle task status updates, completions, and cancellations.

Approval Workflow: This example will showcase an approval workflow for managing document approval processes. We'll cover submitting documents for approval, approving/rejecting them, and leveraging events for notifications.


In this section, we've explored advanced features of the XWorkflows library that empower developers to handle error scenarios, manage multiple workflows, and customize action/event execution. We've also introduced practical examples that highlight the versatility and practicality of the library in real-world scenarios.

By harnessing the power of the XWorkflows library, developers can simplify and streamline complex workflow management, leading to more maintainable, organized, and efficient software applications.

Stay tuned for the upcoming examples, where we'll walk you through the implementation details of the order processing, task management, and approval workflows.

References and Resources

XWorkflows Examples GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dejandjenic/XWorkflows.Examples

NuGet Package: XWorkflows

Part 3

About me
I'm Dejan Đenić, a seasoned software developer with over 20 years of experience, specializing in .NET backend development, NoSQL databases, microservices, CI/CD, and containerization. I have management experience, emphasizing secure API development. Through my blog and LinkedIn, I share insights, fostering a community of developers, and promoting effective team leadership in software development.
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